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Go Fish

Jan 14, 2024    Pastor Herb Hartso III

This Sunday we had the pleasure of hearing from our Senior Pastor, Herb Hartso III. He kicked off a new series titled "WayMaker, The Miracles of Jesus." In this series we will be covering the miracles that Jesus had performed. The First one being the miracle of the catching of fish. Get your Bibles out and pens ready to take notes, this message will encourage you today! 

Pastor Herb Hartso III, head pastor of Antioch Bible Church

invites you to join us in person. You belong here.


Recording Outline:

I. Greetings | Start

II. Prayer | 3:30

III. Message | 4:35

III. Closing Statement and Prayer | 33:05

Life Group Questions:

1. Did it make sense for Jesus to tell the fisherman to let down their nets?

2. Explain Peter’s reaction- “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord.”

3. What have you forsaken to follow Jesus? What still needs to be forsaken?