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May 13th, 2021

May 13, 2021    Pastor Herb Hartso III

Hello Church Family,

Our first church wide fast is on Saturday, May 15th. Please watch this mid-week encouragement video [insert video from We Transfer] and read the instructions below.

We will replace mealtime with spiritual nourishment from prayer and Scripture. If this is your first time fasting, I recommend fasting for one meal. If you have experience fasting, you can fast for two meals or all day. We will drink water during the fast. If you are unable to fast for medical reasons, you can still pray and read Scripture throughout the day. The purpose of the fast is to pray for the salvation of those who have not put their faith in Jesus Christ, specifically lost people in the PNW. I have listed suggested prayer points and Scripture passages to help guide your fast.

Prayer Points
•Family and friends who are not saved
•Colleagues and classmates who are not saved
•Neighbors who are not saved
•Pray that sinners will be saved at Antioch
•Pray that we will go to sinners and share the good news

During the fast, you can read and study John 3-4 which are passages about salvation. Jesus speaks to Nicodemus about salvation at night in John 3, and he speaks to a Samaritan woman about salvation at Noon in John 4.

Please join us in fasting for our journey to Flip the PNW for Jesus which begins with the salvation of lost people. I know God will work through this fast!

Amazed by His Grace,

Pastor Herb Hartso III
Antioch Bible Church

Inspirational music by Alumo- Purple Planet