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God is Faithful

Oct 2, 2022    Pastor Herb Hartso III

• Shepherd (v. 1)
• Rest (v. 2-3)
• Path of Righteousness (v. 3-4)
• In the Valley (v. 5-6)

I. Who is the Shepherd?
"I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep."
-John 10:11 (esv)
When you trust in the name of Jesus, you become one of his sheep. The job of a shepherd is to care for his sheep, to guide them, and protect them.
The person who confidently believes, "The Lord is my shepherd" has everything they need. The only "want" they have is their shepherd.

II. You Need Rest.
Our greatest strength can also be our greatest weakness.
"The Sabbath was made for man, not man for the Sabbath." Matt 2:27
It is not in our flesh to rest the way God has asked us to. If we do not rest, we will collapse physically, mentally, and spiritually.
Which day of the week is best for you to rest? Monday-Sunday? Take that day and let the shepherd lay you down in green pastures...
Jesus can restore you.
Hebrew word for restore means to "return or turn back."

III. The Narrow Path.
The Lord leads us for his name's sake. These paths will not always be pretty.
If anyone knows about walking through the valley of the shadow of death, it's Jesus.
The purpose of the valley is to get somewhere!
"I'm walking through"
○ Question: What moment in your life caused you to grow closest to God? Was it in the valley (low moment) or on the mountaintop (high moment)?

IV. No Matter Our Circumstances
David may actually still be in the valley.
No matter our circumstances, we can control our attitude by focusing on God first.

1) What is your biggest takeaway from Psalm 23?
2) What are some practical ways to restore your soul?
3) How has God comforted you in the valleys?