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"Ezra, The Priest"

Mar 28, 2021    Pastor Herb Hartso III

Ezra finally makes his appearance in the book named after him. Pastor Herb lays out this portion of scripture in the following way:

I. A Role Model (Ezra 7:1-10)
II. Ezra in Action (Nehemiah 8:1-10)
III. Set your Heart

One truth from today: "You don't have to be a big name to be faithful to God. You don't have to complete great projects. Our desire must be faithfulness not fame. If your goal is to be known and remembered, you are likely living for yourself, not God."

We close our service today with "Everlasting God" led by our Worship Leader, Marshell Lombard. Enjoy.

Everlasting God | Brenton Brown and Ken Riley | 2005 Thankyou Music | EMI Christian Music Publishing | may not be viewable in all countries.