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Supernatural or Superficial?

May 7, 2023    Pastor Jonathan Rainey

To find out more about Antioch Bible Church and Pastor Jonathan Rainey, visit to find out more.

Recording Outline:

I. Opening Prayer | Start

III. Scripture Reading + Message | 3:20

IV. Closing Prayer | 40:25

Message Outline:

I. Supernatural or Superficial?

II. The Character of God

III. Commandments of God

IV. Conversion to God

V. Commitment to God

Life Group Questions

1.      Do you come to Jesus as a child or a self-made man/woman?

2.      Do you recognize and appreciate the Holiness of God?

3.      Can you close your mouth before God and allow him to direct you?

4.      What are the Idols that hinder your relationship with God? What's the one thing that Jesus says that you lack?

5.      Is the Price of the Cross too much for your Discipleship?