Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions
Why is this called 40 & forward?
Antioch was founded forty years ago and has been a portable church renting from various other churches and schools. Forty years of ministry is where we come from having never owned our own property. We are so grateful for the years God has been with us and the kingdom impact we've been able to make in our past.
Going forward we believe that God has called us to buy a permanent church home where we can do ministry in bigger and better ways; creating community impact and helping prevent burnout from our volunteers who help make our mobile church happen every Sunday.
Going forward we believe that God has called us to buy a permanent church home where we can do ministry in bigger and better ways; creating community impact and helping prevent burnout from our volunteers who help make our mobile church happen every Sunday.
What is the primary Goal of this initiative?
The primary goal of this initiative is summarized in this statement: Big Prayer, Bold Response, All In.
This initiative is more than a two-year vision for Antioch Bible Church; it is also about how God wants to grow each of us spiritually as we stand together as a church body, declaring that we are “all in” for the vision He has for us.
This initiative is more than a two-year vision for Antioch Bible Church; it is also about how God wants to grow each of us spiritually as we stand together as a church body, declaring that we are “all in” for the vision He has for us.
Why are we trying to raise 5.3 million dollars?
First, we need to raise $2,500,000 that will allow us to buy a building/property of our own.
Second, we need to raise, $2,800,000 to maintain and continue growing the current ministries we have today. We do not want to forsake ministry today for what we hope for in the future.
Second, we need to raise, $2,800,000 to maintain and continue growing the current ministries we have today. We do not want to forsake ministry today for what we hope for in the future.
Why is the church buying a building?
Our senior pastor has listed five pain points for why we need our own building.
- Burnout: Staff and volunteers. "Save Simon's Back" has become a chant in our church leadership team (Director of Finances and Facilities). There are a faithful few volunteers who help make our portable church function each Sunday. All of our teams from set-up and tear-down are getting burned out from the extra load being required of them to show up early and stay late on a Sunday.
- Outreach: Connecting with the Community. Currently without our own building we are unable to host community events because the space is not our own. Our current ministries struggle to grow with these limitations.
- Guests: Confusion on Worship Location. Like many churches, our staff have offices where we conduct ministry and prepare for Sundays. Our office and our Sunday location prove confusing to guests and they often go to the wrong location. This causes many first time guests to show up late to church or not come at all.
- Atmosphere: Gym, Classrooms, Cafeteria. Another way of viewing this is our inability to maintain a safe, clean, and properly functioning environment for worship and classes.
- Rent: $250,000 a year for office and school. Currently we spend $250K on rent each year. In addition, there are many materials we must replace frequently because of the wear and tear of transportation.
Why is this called 40 & forward?
Antioch was founded forty years ago and has been a portable church renting from various other churches and schools. Forty years of ministry is where we come from having never owned our own property. We are so grateful for the years God has been with us and the kingdom impact we've been able to make in our past.
Going forward we believe that God has called us to buy a permanent church home where we can do ministry in bigger and better ways; creating community impact and helping prevent burnout from our volunteers who help make our mobile church happen every Sunday.
Going forward we believe that God has called us to buy a permanent church home where we can do ministry in bigger and better ways; creating community impact and helping prevent burnout from our volunteers who help make our mobile church happen every Sunday.
What is the primary Goal of this initiative?
The primary goal of this initiative is summarized in this statement: Big Prayer, Bold Response, All In.
This initiative is more than a two-year vision for Antioch Bible Church; it is also about how God wants to grow each of us spiritually as we stand together as a church body, declaring that we are “all in” for the vision He has for us.
This initiative is more than a two-year vision for Antioch Bible Church; it is also about how God wants to grow each of us spiritually as we stand together as a church body, declaring that we are “all in” for the vision He has for us.
Why are we trying to raise 5.3 million dollars?
First, we need to raise $2,500,000 that will allow us to buy a building/property of our own.
Second, we need to raise, $2,800,000 to maintain and continue growing the current ministries we have today. We do not want to forsake ministry today for what we hope for in the future.
Second, we need to raise, $2,800,000 to maintain and continue growing the current ministries we have today. We do not want to forsake ministry today for what we hope for in the future.
Why is the church buying a building?
Our senior pastor has listed five pain points for why we need our own building.
- Burnout: Staff and volunteers. "Save Simon's Back" has become a chant in our church leadership team (Director of Finances and Facilities). There are a faithful few volunteers who help make our portable church function each Sunday. All of our teams from set-up and tear-down are getting burned out from the extra load being required of them to show up early and stay late on a Sunday.
- Outreach: Connecting with the Community. Currently without our own building we are unable to host community events because the space is not our own. Our current ministries struggle to grow with these limitations.
- Guests: Confusion on Worship Location. Like many churches, our staff have offices where we conduct ministry and prepare for Sundays. Our office and our Sunday location prove confusing to guests and they often go to the wrong location. This causes many first time guests to show up late to church or not come at all.
- Atmosphere: Gym, Classrooms, Cafeteria. Another way of viewing this is our inability to maintain a safe, clean, and properly functioning environment for worship and classes.
- Rent: $250,000 a year for office and school. Currently we spend $250K on rent each year. In addition, there are many materials we must replace frequently because of the wear and tear of transportation.
What is a commitment card?
Commitment cards show a breakdown of what annualized giving to 40 & Forward could look like, and they also give space for us to make commitments toward that giving over the next two years.
When should i submit my commitment card?
We will be encouraging everyone to turn in their commitment on November 10th, 2024. If you would like to turn it in before that date, please do so by dropping it in the tithe box on a Sunday morning.
What if my financial circumstances change during the two-year period? Am I still obligated to contribute the amount i commit?
Your commitment to this initiative is voluntary and non-binding. While we hope you take this seriously and do your best to honor the commitment made, we completely understand that sometimes life is unpredictable. A change in your circumstances will be no surprise to God and we ultimately trust in His good provision, for both you and our church.
Why should i complete and submit a commitment card?
We realize that committing to a two-year giving plan can be daunting for some people. However, we are asked to commit to things all the time, from a mortgage to a gym membership. The reality is that these commitments will help our elders immensely as we prayerfully budget for this project. We carry a large fiduciary responsibility for the church, so knowing how much our people have committed to ‘40 & Forward’ helps us carry this weight with confidence.
How long is my commitment?
This is for an over-and-above giving commitment period between December 2024 - December 2026.
do I have to write my name on my commitment card?
Please note, there is only ONE person from our accounting department who will be recording these totals into a spreadsheet and then shredding the cards so NO ONE else will ever see the names associated with the pledges. No one is keeping tabs on your commitment. No one is going to follow up with you - this really is between you and God.
BUT, as we’re working with realtors and bankers, we do need for our bookkeeping department to be able to vouch for us that the commitments came from “real people”.
BUT, as we’re working with realtors and bankers, we do need for our bookkeeping department to be able to vouch for us that the commitments came from “real people”.
What is a commitment card?
Commitment cards show a breakdown of what annualized giving to 40 & Forward could look like, and they also give space for us to make commitments toward that giving over the next two years.
When should i submit my commitment card?
We will be encouraging everyone to turn in their commitment on November 10th, 2024. If you would like to turn it in before that date, please do so by dropping it in the tithe box on a Sunday morning.
What if my financial circumstances change during the two-year period?
Am I still obligated to contribute the amount i commit?
Your commitment to this initiative is voluntary and non-binding. While we hope you take this seriously and do your best to honor the commitment made, we completely understand that sometimes life is unpredictable. A change in your circumstances will be no surprise to God and we ultimately trust in His good provision, for both you and our church.
Why should i complete and submit a commitment card?
We realize that committing to a two-year giving plan can be daunting for some people. However, we are asked to commit to things all the time, from a mortgage to a gym membership. The reality is that these commitments will help our elders immensely as we prayerfully budget for this project. We carry a large fiduciary responsibility for the church, so knowing how much our people have committed to ‘40 & Forward’ helps us carry this weight with confidence.
How long is my commitment?
This is for an over-and-above giving commitment period between December 2024 - December 2026.
do I have to write my name on my commitment card?
Please note, there is only ONE person from our accounting department who will be recording these totals into a spreadsheet and then shredding the cards so NO ONE else will ever see the names associated with the pledges. No one is keeping tabs on your commitment. No one is going to follow up with you - this really is between you and God.
BUT, as we’re working with realtors and bankers, we do need for our bookkeeping department to be able to vouch for us that the commitments came from “real people”.
BUT, as we’re working with realtors and bankers, we do need for our bookkeeping department to be able to vouch for us that the commitments came from “real people”.
What will be the total cost of the building?
For a 400 seat sanctuary, our realtor told us that it would cost around 6 million to buy a building and 2 million for renovations.
We are considering buildings of different sizes and prices based on what's affordable for our church.
We are considering buildings of different sizes and prices based on what's affordable for our church.
if we are raising $2.5 for a building How will we afford to own a building?
We have $400,000 in the building fund and $300,000 in savings. We will use these funds for a building along with the money raised. The remaining balance will be financed through a mortgage loan that the church can afford.
Will the Antioch Adoptions agency be included in the footprint of the new building?
Which vicinity are we hoping for? (Eastside, South, or North?)
The eastside is preferred and where we have centered our search (Kirkland, Redmond, & Bellevue). |
Does Generis help churches get buildings?
Generis is the company we hired to launch and run the 40 & Forward generosity initiative. Learn About Generis
Generis helps churches raise money for many types of capital campaigns but they do not help churches with real estate decisions.
They have resources affiliated with the building such as: financial lending relationships, construction recommendations, Audio, Video & Media company referrals.
Antioch has a local realtor that we are working with in our building search.
Generis helps churches raise money for many types of capital campaigns but they do not help churches with real estate decisions.
They have resources affiliated with the building such as: financial lending relationships, construction recommendations, Audio, Video & Media company referrals.
Antioch has a local realtor that we are working with in our building search.
how come antioch doesn't have two services?
We stopped having 2 services because we felt the need to build more momentum in regards to our church attendance. There was lower attendance and energy with the two services.
We will have one service for a period of time (until we get into our 24x7 home) with our prayer that it will allow us to generate more of a “This is Antioch” unity among our church family.
No, our ability to raise the needed capital for ministry / a building would not increase going back to 2 services.
We will have one service for a period of time (until we get into our 24x7 home) with our prayer that it will allow us to generate more of a “This is Antioch” unity among our church family.
No, our ability to raise the needed capital for ministry / a building would not increase going back to 2 services.
What will be the total cost of the building?
For a 400 seat sanctuary, our realtor told us that it would cost around 6 million to buy a building and 2 million for renovations.
We are considering buildings of different sizes and prices based on what's affordable for our church.
We are considering buildings of different sizes and prices based on what's affordable for our church.
if we are raising $2.5 for a building How will we afford to own a building?
We have $400,000 in the building fund and $300,000 in savings. We will use these funds for a building along with the money raised. The remaining balance will be financed through a mortgage loan that the church can afford.
Will the Antioch Adoptions agency be included in the footprint of the new building?
Which vicinity are we hoping for? (Eastside, South, or North?)
The eastside is preferred and where we have centered our search (Kirkland, Redmond, Bellevue, & Issaquah). |
Does Generis help churches get buildings?
Generis is the company we hired to launch and run the 40 & Forward generosity initiative. Learn About Generis
Generis helps churches raise money for many types of capital campaigns but they do not help churches with real estate decisions.
They have resources affiliated with the building such as: financial lending relationships, construction recommendations, Audio, Video & Media company referrals.
Antioch has a local realtor that we are working with in our building search.
Generis helps churches raise money for many types of capital campaigns but they do not help churches with real estate decisions.
They have resources affiliated with the building such as: financial lending relationships, construction recommendations, Audio, Video & Media company referrals.
Antioch has a local realtor that we are working with in our building search.
how come antioch doesn't have two services?
We stopped having 2 services because we felt the need to build more momentum in regards to our church attendance. There was lower attendance and energy with the two services.
We will have one service for a period of time (until we get into our 24x7 home) with our prayer that it will allow us to generate more of a “This is Antioch” unity among our church family.
No, our ability to raise the needed capital for ministry / a building would not increase going back to 2 services.
We will have one service for a period of time (until we get into our 24x7 home) with our prayer that it will allow us to generate more of a “This is Antioch” unity among our church family.
No, our ability to raise the needed capital for ministry / a building would not increase going back to 2 services.
Is the money we raise tax exempt since we are a non-profit?
We do not pay taxes on offerings and donations.
We do not pay taxes on offerings and donations.
Is the building fund invested? Is it gaining interest?
Yes, the money is invested in interest-bearing CD's at Chase Bank
If the church is non-profit, how does that play into buying a building and would it be a business tax write off?
As a 501c3, we are property tax exempt.
The seller will pay the excise tax on the building we purchase.
The seller will pay the excise tax on the building we purchase.
Being a non-profit, how do we know the money we raise is going where we were told? Will there be updates?
Antioch has made a pledge to the Lord and our church family in regards to our goals to raise money for a 24/7 ministry center and church.
We have nothing to hide and will be transparent in reporting and sharing any/all updates. We are going to resume sending out the triannual financial updates to our congregation. Get on the email list!
We have nothing to hide and will be transparent in reporting and sharing any/all updates. We are going to resume sending out the triannual financial updates to our congregation. Get on the email list!
Is there a different tax treatment between the two types of giving?
(donating to general fund vs. the building fund)
No there isn’t because in both cases, you are donating to the church, which is a tax-deductible, 501c3 organization. We send out giving statements at the end of each year (based on your actual giving, not your pledge on the Commitment Card) regardless of which fund you’re giving to.
What happens if we don't hit our financial goal?
We are quite confident that the Lord will provide a building to us.
We wholeheartedly believe that God has given each of us the resources needed to accomplish this vision together! However, if for some reason we don’t achieve our goal, God is still good. The Elders and Building Team will just need to prayerfully consider scaling back the scope of the project.
We wholeheartedly believe that God has given each of us the resources needed to accomplish this vision together! However, if for some reason we don’t achieve our goal, God is still good. The Elders and Building Team will just need to prayerfully consider scaling back the scope of the project.
If every member gave to the 40 & forward initiative, how much money would each family need to give to meet our goal? Would it help to give everyone a dollar amount as a visual tool?
We are not going to tell a family what to give. That is the Holy Spirit’s role…to impress upon hearts and families.
There is a Gift Profile Guide on the back of your commitment card that does give an idea: If you add up the "Gifts Needed" in the left column, you will see that we need around #167 giving units. If you add up the "Gift Level Total..." it equals $5,308,000.
We can do this, but we can only do it together!
There is a Gift Profile Guide on the back of your commitment card that does give an idea: If you add up the "Gifts Needed" in the left column, you will see that we need around #167 giving units. If you add up the "Gift Level Total..." it equals $5,308,000.
We can do this, but we can only do it together!

What happens if we don't find a building?
The money will remain in an interest-bearing savings account until we do find a building. |
Is the money we raise tax exempt since we are a non-profit?
We do not pay taxes on offerings and donations.
We do not pay taxes on offerings and donations.
Is the building fund invested? Is it gaining interest?
Yes, the money is invested in interest-bearing CD's at Chase Bank
If the church is non-profit, how does that play into buying a building and would it be a business tax write off?
As a 501c3, we are property tax exempt.
The seller will pay the excise tax on the building we purchase.
The seller will pay the excise tax on the building we purchase.
Being a non-profit, how do we know the money we raise is going where we were told? Will there be updates?
Antioch has made a pledge to the Lord and our church family in regards to our goals to raise money for a 24/7 ministry center and church.
We have nothing to hide and will be transparent in reporting and sharing any/all updates. We are going to resume sending out the quarterly financial updates to our congregation. Get on the email list!
We have nothing to hide and will be transparent in reporting and sharing any/all updates. We are going to resume sending out the quarterly financial updates to our congregation. Get on the email list!
Is there a different tax treatment between the two types of giving?
donating to general fund vs. the building fund)
No there isn’t because in both cases, you are donating to the church, which is a tax-deductible, 501c3 organization. We send out giving statements at the end of each year (based on your actual giving, not your pledge on the Commitment Card) regardless of which fund you’re giving to.
What happens if we don't hit our financial goal?
We are quite confident that the Lord will provide a building to us.
We wholeheartedly believe that God has given each of us the resources needed to accomplish this vision together! However, if for some reason we don’t achieve our goal, God is still good. The Elders and Building Team will just need to prayerfully consider scaling back the scope of the project.
We wholeheartedly believe that God has given each of us the resources needed to accomplish this vision together! However, if for some reason we don’t achieve our goal, God is still good. The Elders and Building Team will just need to prayerfully consider scaling back the scope of the project.
If every member gave to the 40 & forward initiative, how much money would each family need to give to meet our goal?

What happens if we don't find a building?
The money will remain in an interest-bearing savings account until we do find a building. |
Would it help to give everyone a dollar amount as a visual tool?
We are not going to tell a family what to give. That is the Holy Spirit’s role…to impress upon hearts and families.
There is a Gift Profile Guide on the back of your commitment card that does give an idea: If you add up the "Gifts Needed" in the left column, you will see that we need around #167 giving units. If you add up the "Gift Level Total..." it equals $5,308,000.
We can do this, but we can only do it together!
There is a Gift Profile Guide on the back of your commitment card that does give an idea: If you add up the "Gifts Needed" in the left column, you will see that we need around #167 giving units. If you add up the "Gift Level Total..." it equals $5,308,000.
We can do this, but we can only do it together!

How do I donate to the 40 & Forward initiative?
Starting on Commitment Sunday, Nov 10th we will change the name of our general giving fund to say "40 & Forward (General Fund)".
Your contributions will include both your regular tithe and any additional amount designated for 40 & Forward. In other words, your regular tithe AND your above and beyond offering will be placed in the "40 & Forward (General Fund)".
Your contributions will include both your regular tithe and any additional amount designated for 40 & Forward. In other words, your regular tithe AND your above and beyond offering will be placed in the "40 & Forward (General Fund)".
Is anyone keeping track of my giving and will you call me if i am falling short of my commitment?
No one is going to call you and check-in on your follow-through with the commitment you share. We know that there will be various time frames and even situations preventing people from donating in any sort of pattern we can track. We also understand that life situations will come up for some - God knew in advance what each member will be walking through during this two-year initiative and we are trusting that the necessary funds will be raised! See this question asked another way
Why should i donate my "above and beyond" offering to the general Fund?
Giving regularly is a command from Scripture that we take seriously. As Acts 4:34-35 describes, the elders entrusted with the donations distributed them according to each person’s needs, building a foundation of trust between members and leaders to steward the resources as God leads.
Additionally, For those new to giving, contributing to a single fund simplifies the process and makes it easy to begin. We are excited to equip everyone to be faithful servants in every aspect—evangelism, baptism, giving, and service.
Additionally, For those new to giving, contributing to a single fund simplifies the process and makes it easy to begin. We are excited to equip everyone to be faithful servants in every aspect—evangelism, baptism, giving, and service.
Can I still designate my 40 & Forward offering to the building fund if I'm more comfortable with that?
We understand that not everyone is comfortable donating their "above and beyond" to the general fund. We have a second option for you: we have a building fund that people have been faithfully giving to for the last few years. This fund is still an option for you to designate your additional offering.
How do I donate to the 40 & Forward initiative?
Starting on Commitment Sunday, Nov 10th we will change the name of our general giving fund to say "40 & Forward (General Fund)".
Your contributions will include both your regular tithe and any additional amount designated for 40 & Forward. In other words, your regular tithe AND your above and beyond offering will be placed in the "40 & Forward (General Fund)".
Your contributions will include both your regular tithe and any additional amount designated for 40 & Forward. In other words, your regular tithe AND your above and beyond offering will be placed in the "40 & Forward (General Fund)".
Is anyone keeping track of my giving and will you call me if i am falling short of my commitment?
No one is going to call you and check-in on your follow-through with the commitment you share. We know that there will be various time frames and even situations preventing people from donating in any sort of pattern we can track. We also understand that life situations will come up for some - God knew in advance what each member will be walking through during this two-year initiative and we are trusting that the necessary funds will be raised! See this question asked another way
Why should i donate my "above and beyond" offering to the general Fund?
Giving regularly is a command from Scripture that we take seriously. As Acts 4:34-35 describes, the elders entrusted with the donations distributed them according to each person’s needs, building a foundation of trust between members and leaders to steward the resources as God leads.
Additionally, For those new to giving, contributing to a single fund simplifies the process and makes it easy to begin. We are excited to equip everyone to be faithful servants in every aspect—evangelism, baptism, giving, and service.
Additionally, For those new to giving, contributing to a single fund simplifies the process and makes it easy to begin. We are excited to equip everyone to be faithful servants in every aspect—evangelism, baptism, giving, and service.
Can I still designate my 40 & Forward offering to the building fund if I'm more comfortable with that?
We understand that not everyone is comfortable donating their "above and beyond" to the general fund. We have a second option for you: we have a building fund that people have been faithfully giving to for the last few years. This fund is still an option for you to designate your additional offering.